Fairbanks Capital Management, Inc.
Legal Disclaimer
The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as a recommendation to purchase or sell securities. It should not be assumed that investments in any of the above mentioned securities will be profitable, and past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Earnings projections often miss, and markets don’t always go up. The employees and families of Fairbanks Capital Management, Inc. may own the above mentioned securities in their own accounts, and may trade them at any time without notice.
Performance Disclaimer
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Fairbanks Capital Management, Inc. began operating on January 1, 1996. The Fairbanks Capital Management Inc. Equity Composite contains all actual fee-paying accounts over $1,000,000 beginning in their first full year of management. Terminated accounts are included in the results. Performance is shown before the deduction of advisory fees. We compare our performance to the Russell 1000 Value Index, because it is constructed to provide a comprehensive and unbiased barometer for the large-cap value segment. Our portfolios differ from the Russel 1000 Value index in that they are less diversified and may own smaller companies. The data for the Russell 100o Value Index is sourced from the Russell Indexes website. The principal value and investment return of your portfolio will fluctuate, potentially below original cost. Our employees and their families are likely to own the same securities chosen for clients and may trade them at any time without notice.